Saturday, March 18, 2006

silence of the lambs

time and again, we hear about and even face the 'woman', (irrespective of her designation -mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, etc) being lost in translation, so to speak. the humble woman being put through hell by the people around her, and she silently, like some mute and defenceless lamb, taking it all in. her husband is seen as the aggressor, his family some kind of secret society of satan working on her 'to-do-list' for life!

expectations are a common anomaly of a system which refuses to think any different from what has been, because to think different requires change, and one little change can ensure imbalance of the whole system, hence its downfall. since we live in a society that refuses to tweak the system once in a while, why not do it for yourself since you are on the receiving end of the whole ball game?

we talk of atrocities, and the first word that comes to mind is 'women', which i believe is one of the biggest gender bias/sexual discrimination of all time! we make films about suffering women, tortured women, and then give awards to the actresses, where the men in the film are mere disposable props. we conveniently labelled the male of the species, aggressive and dominating - the evil-doer, while the woman 'played' the lamb.

what we refuse to acknowledge is that men have faced the same kind of pressure of expectations, from people all around them, and the pressure of performance from the board meeting to the bed. men too have had to sacrifice their cherished ‘fighter-pilot’ dreams to be able to ‘fit’ into a pre-approved, society-dictated, appropriate role play and do it with the label of being insensitive, unemotional, heartless and ‘irrational’.

so, who is the mute lamb really?

please tell me when people refer to women as the fairer sex, they are not talking merely about the skin colour, but about 'being fair'.

it never was about chauvinism/ feminism. i believe oppression of any kind is faced by both the sexes, and it has nothing to do with the genetic make-up. it is about the individual and his/her response to a certain situation. it is always the individual who chooses the role to play. as for the mute suffering lambs of the society, i have something to say to such individuals … stop being a wuss and stand up for yourself!

~ she said


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