Wednesday, March 22, 2006

of club wielders and sexy red suits..

men and women are made differently. so the behaviour is different, isn’t it?

take ancient times, our caveman/cavewoman ancestors never had a problem of sexual harassment did they? being dragged by the hair to the cave seemed like a compliment from the club wielding caveman.

let us for a moment believe that there were no boundaries, and men and women were the same, that thought would change this world into some kind of futuristic arnie movie, with everything being stereotype. so logically, we’d be living perfectly, following an existing dictated system. eating healthy meals, not swearing at the traffic jam, calling our bosses our gods, never getting stressed out over anything, and go to bed each night with a prayer on our lips and a song in our hearts. our behaviour and our living would be ideal. i would think such a system would be a felony in itself. because it kills a hopeful spirit. now that would be harassment for me!

so what happens to the aberrations of this system? nothing in nature is stereotypical. is such a system well equipped to manage testosterone levels of all the inmates of a prison, at precisely the same moment when a good looking prison nurse walks by? it would look unnatural to look away.

it is in human nature to eve/adam tease. it is a primal instinct. it’s a long lost derivative of the mating ritual ,still carried out by animals, birds and tribes in africa! its nothing but the y/xchromosome ‘being’. we study the human race over an evolutionary period of time, which technically would mean take off our masks of sophistication and we will still be wielding clubs. we would be prudish to think a woman does not like looking sexy in a red suit at work and get noticed, or a man wearing axe and running around with a girl-counter in his pocket. but does the animal always act on this instinct?

where does a person draw the line? if humankind is the one with the most evolved brain, why the vestige of animal behaviour? excluding of course cases with severe hormonal traffic jams. combating that animal behaviour requires strength, not just the physical kind, but that of the mind. it requires an awareness of your own boundaries and that of the other. more important the ability to respect it.

all animals have boundaries they follow.. including humankind.

that boundary is set in the mind.

~ she said.


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